Canciones del Día de la Madre en inglés para niños con letra [VÍDEOS]

El Día de la Madre es el momento perfecto para que la familia se reúna y se lo pase en grande. Una de las mejores maneras es cantar canciones, y si queremos rizar el rizo hacerlo en inglés. Las risas están aseguradas y además lograremos que nuestros hijos se familiaricen con este idioma, tan importante hoy en día. A continuación te ponemos los temas más conocidos en Reino Unido. Eso sí, con letra para que sea más fácil a todos.

Como cada primer domingo de mayo, se celebra en España el día de la Madre. Un momento especial para reunirse los padres y los hijos y demostrarse todo lo que nos queremos. Si tienes niños pequeños, además de hacer dibujos y colorines, una buena opción es cantar canciones en inglés dedicados a las mamás. Aquí van unas cuantas.


    Mommy, mommy, I love you mommy
    This is your special day
    Flowers and presents
    And breakfast in bed
    Whatever you wish for
    I’ll give you instead

    Mommy, mommy, I love you mommy
    No chores for you today
    Bear hugs and kisses
    To show how I feel
    I love you mommy dear

    Baking, cooking
    Washing and working
    Making our house a home
    Always helping
    Care for my well being
    I never feel alone

    Mommy, mommy
    I love you mommy
    In all your special ways
    So on every second
    Sunday in May
    We’ll celebrate
    Mother’s Day

  • Thank You, Mom

    Here’s a day in May that is dedicated
    To all our mothers
    Mine and yours and his and hers
    And every single other’s

    Mother’s Day comes once a year
    But every day should be
    For saying “I love you” to our moms
    And showing them how much they mean

    Moms – they make the world go round
    Moms – they make a smile out of a frown
    Moms – they give unselfishly
    Thank you, mom, for loving me

    On that day in May that is dedicated
    To all our mothers
    We give cards and pretty flowers and gifts
    With our sisters and our brothers

    Mother’s Day comes once a year
    But every day should be
    For saying “I love you” to our moms
    And showing them how much they mea

  • I Love You

    I love you
    Your button nose
    Your eyes, your ears
    Your knees and toes

    I love you
    Up to the sky
    Past the moon
    And stars so high

    If you feel alone and scared
    Always know that I’ll be there
    Just like the one and one make two
    You love me
    And I love you

    I love you
    In every way
    All you do
    And all you say

    My love for you
    Will always be
    Deeper than the
    Deep blue sea

    Even if you’re sad and blue
    It’s ok ‘cause I love you

  • What Is A Mother?

    A mother is someone who shows you the way,
    You learn from her how to trust and obey.

    She’s someone who’s helpful, cheerful and funny,
    She wears a big smile when she calls you her honey.

    She teaches you words like thank you and please,
    And sometimes a mom likes to tickle and tease.

    A mother has kisses to plant on your check,
    And words of advice that she likes to speak.

    Now when you are sad, or you feel kind of funny,
    A mother can help those dark days seem sunny.

    For a mother can make that hurt go away,
    When she kisses, and hugs you and says it’s okay.

    A mother is gentle, thoughtful and sweet,
    And she’s the best friend that you’ll ever meet.

    She’s someone who knows just what to say,
    To help you be good both night and day.

    She whispers so softly right in your ear,
    «Remember, I love you, I’ll always be near.»

    So what is a mother? It’s plain to see

    A mother is someone who loves you and me.

Ojalá te hayamos servido de ayuda para pasar un gran día junto a tus hijos. Unas canciones y unos regalos son la mejor oferta. Seguro que con estas canciones en inglés además de pasártelo bien, todos habréis perfeccionado vuestro inglés. Así pues, feliz día de la madre, o en este caso, happy mother’s day.

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